

I get up at 4:00 AM. I want to watch "Remember Me" today. I am going to take a lesson for english school. I am worried about the drop of Nikkei average price. I am planning to get a positon for programming. And I also am planning to use En…


統計検定二級をとる 統計検定 2級|統計検定:Japan Statistical Society Certificate 2018年6月17日(日) ・Web申込 2018 年 4 月 9 日(月)10 時 00 分 ~ 2018 年 5 月 11 日(金)15時00分

Should Japan rethink its relationship with United States.

I think Japan should rethink its relationship with United States. There are three reasons. Firstly, He deceded to get out of TPP and NAFTA. Socondely, He has prejudice against hispanic people. He want to make a wall between US and Mexico. …


Rは使いやすい、Excelファイルからデータを読み込める。 RStudioというIDE環境もある。 データ解析のための統計モデリング入門――一般化線形モデル・階層ベイズモデル・MCMC (確率と情報の科学) Pythonを学習したい。Anacondaは自分の環境にインストールした…

The Ancient Magus' Bride

The location of this story is London,UK.Chise, a girl who can see invisible things, is descriminated from her colleagues and even parents because of her ability. she suffered from disolation. She was auctioned and bought by Elias.Elias tol…


英検準1級以上 TOEICスコア700以上 日商簿記二級 Pythonをマスターする 漢詩に親しむ 人民日報を読めるようにする 統計検定二級取得